Our top-notch technology development team provides clients with an advanced information system on the Internet. This includes an Inventory System, customs documentation and cargo management options. Current customers have their unique account log-in to the system.
Our system interfaces with Customs and Border Protection, allowing clients to submit electronic documents directly for approval. Our inventory computer tracking system, approved by U.S. Customs, is a technological tool for international commerce that actually generates Customs forms for admission and release of merchandise in and out of the zone.
Benefits include:
Twenty-four hour online system access
More than 70 reports available for inventory management.
Electronic submission of forms to U.S. Customs
Automatic generation of FTZ Annual Report to NAFTZ.
Accommodating multiple Tenants that have multiple master inventory lots independent one of each other - a great feature for logistics companies.
Ability to handle multiple physical inventory locations and expiration dates.